To be salt and light to our nation of Aotearoa New Zealand for the glory of God, as we gather together and worship Him in spirit and in truth through the creative arts.
Our mission is to provide a place of friendship, support and nurturing, to train and empower followers of Jesus to honour and worship God through dance and other creative arts throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We aim to achieve this by providing resources through workshops, gatherings, online events and networking.
We are committed to supporting Christian dancers and creative artists in the development of a strong Christian arts ministry within their region(s) and their church(es).
We affirm the major creeds (Nicene, Apostles’, Athanasian) of the Christian church basing faith and doctrine on the Bible.
1. To glorify God through the ministry of dance, exalting the name of Jesus as Lord and Saviour and serving the Body of Christ.
2. To provide a fellowship where members may share their experience of using dance and movement as an expression of their faith.
3. To stimulate interest in and exchange of information about using movement to celebrate and explore our life and worship together in the Christian community.
4. To increase people’s understanding of the history and theology of dance and movement in the church.
5. To reach those outside the church with the message of the Gospel presented through dance, and the performing and creative arts.
6. To encourage and train both individuals and groups in dance and movement ministries.
7. To support and encourage Christians working as dancers and teachers in the secular dance world and to make a contribution as an organisation to the New Zealand dance community.