ICDFANZ Leadership
René Davidse
ICDFANZ Waikato Region Rep, LWMI Dance Leader
Praise and worship is what defines René in her daily life as a wife, mother and Mammographer. The art of dance has always moved her in a way that other forms of creative praise and worship could not. She has recently completed a prophetic dance mentorship led by Prophetess Simone Arendse of SAPDM in South Africa. The Lord has been equipping and directing her footsteps and has established His calling for her life to be a part of ICDFANZ in November 2024. Prophetic dance, ministering with flags and more recently the mattah/Moses staff, are some of her passions in dance ministry. René started the Living Waters Mission International (LWMI) dance ministry at her local church. She is happily married to Sheahan and has 4 children and 2 granddaughters.
Nicola Simpson
ICDFANZ Otago-Southland Region Rep, Principal of Southern Dance Academy
Nicola Simpson is a dancer, teacher, choreographer and writer living in Balclutha. She is the founder of Southern Dance Academy, a faith-based dance school. Nicola has a deep love for the Lord and for worship. Her heart is to see people connect with the Lord creatively through worship, via dance or any other art form. She loves working with church communities to communicate the message of Christ through dance; and has choreographed for a variety of Christian events and conferences. She is a registered Living Dance International teacher and holds an associate registration with Generation Edinburgh. She has a Bachelor of Communication in Expressive Arts and Marketing. Nicola is married to Matthew she has one daughter and two adult step children.
Stephen Bright [Rev.]
ICDFANZ Spiritual Advisor
Rev. Stephen Bright is a self-supporting Anglican priest based in Hamilton. Stephen has had a long association with Christian dance, including attending numerous national ICDFANZ conferences within New Zealand and an international conference ICDF in India (2019). His 'alter ego' is Bubbles the Clown who blows giant bubbles at a range of church and community events in the Waikato area. He is married to Debbie, with 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren.
Belinda Andrews
ICDFANZ National Coordinator, Director at AHAVA Dance Co. GE & LDI Associate Dance Teacher
Belinda trained as a Radiographer in Christchurch before pioneering a preschool music and movement group in 2006, then in 2012 establishing Agape Dance Academy for her graduating preschool students. As principal of a Christian dance school she taught Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary & Tap dance. She has an Associate Dance Teachers Registration with Generation Edinburgh and Living Dance International Christian dance curriculums. She has mentored students through exams, auditioned them as extras for the Royal NZ Ballet and has created, choreographed and directed dance recitals. In 2016 Belinda re-launched ICDFANZ and became its National Coordinator. Belinda has represented New Zealand at ICDF global dance conferences in Ghana (2016), India (2019) and Sweden (2022). Currently she is director of AHAVA Dance NZ, a Christian dance company and worship dances in her local church. Belinda is married to Brent and has 3 adult children.
Dr. Debbie Bright
ICDFANZ Treasurer, ICDF Diploma Director, ICDF AWARE Network Coordinator
Dance teacher, performer, choreographer, writer and perpetual dance class attendee, Debbie often dances, teaches and prays with Christian dancers nationally and internationally. National Coordinator of ICDFANZ (1996-2000), ICDF Steering Committee (2000-2006), Coordinator of ICDF AWARe (Academics, Writers and Researchers) Network, Coordinator of academic/seminar days at ICDF conferences in Ghana (2016) and India (2019), Sweden (2022) and director, course writer and tutor for ICDF Diploma in Dance Ministry. Living in Hamilton, wife of Rev. Stephen Bright, mother of 3 and grandmother of 6 (so far!).
Robyn Holland
ICDFANZ Secretary & Canterbury-Westland Region Rep, SABC Dance Leader
Robyn found that being released to worship the Lord in dance brought healing and freedom in her life. Robyn connected with the former CDFNZ in Christchurch in 1998. Her passion is for spontaneous worship dance and as prompted by the Holy Spirit, she dances in her local church. She attends a Worship Improvisation dance class and coordinates the dance/flags area when her church holds creative worship evenings. Robyn also enjoys creating visual installations and floral designs as an act of creative worship. At the relaunch of ICDFANZ in 2016, Robyn offered her support to our National Coordinator, Belinda Andrews. Since 2019 Robyn has been holding the office of ICDFANZ National Treasurer. Robyn was part of a team representing New Zealand at the most recent ICDF global conference in Sweden in 2022. She currently lives in Christchurch with her husband Robert.
Debbie Hodge
ICDFANZ National Prayer Coordinator
Debbie Hodge grew up having an appreciation of dance and how the body moves. Debbie enjoys seeing others experience inner peace, joy, hope and Gods love through dance and movement, and believes in dance as a form of therapy for all ages and abilities. Debbie is a trained Ballroom dancer and has completed a diploma in Liturgical dance and is a Certified CaraMayan Teacher and Living Dance International Teacher. She enjoys teaching dance ministry and exercise classes at her local church, and creative dance to children in her community. Debbie is married to Steven and has 3 adult children.